
December is a month where Summer starts in Australia. What a wonderful analogy we learnt in ayurveda that every action has a reaction. It also applies to the universe as well. When it comes to the question, how many seasons are there and how does it happen? इह खलु संवत्सरं षडङ्गमृतुविभागेन विद्यात्| तत्रादित्यस्योदगयनमादानं च त्रीनृतूञ्छिशिरादीन्…

How to boost your Immunity?

According to Ayurveda, The Immune System is build by 3 main pillars: Prana- The life-creating force Tejas – Inner Radiance ; The activated state of the reproductive Fluid Ojas – Primal Vigor; The basic Capacity of Immune system – It has the capacity to turn in to Prana and Tejas. These three are working together…

Do you do self massage?

Self-massage is a combination of 2 words: Self – by own Massage- rub or knead the body in a way to nourish the skin, strengthen muscle and relax yourself. Self-massage helps to create harmony with mind and body. Who could do it? Everybody could do it. Kids could get help from elders. Who cannot do…

Oral infection?

Have you ever experienced Oral viral infection? Are you cleaning your mouth regularly? How do you clean your mouth? What do you mean by cleaning mouth? Cleaning the mouth means brushing the teeth, scraping the tongue and doing oil Pulling. Everyone knows how to brush their teeth but brushing them with salt is the best.…