Life (Ayu) is the combination of body, senses, mind and reincarnating soul.
(Charaka Samhita, Sutrasthana, 1.42)
The word Ayurveda comes from the Sanskrit roots “Ayu” and “Veda”.
“Ayu” means Life,
“Veda” means Science,
“Ayurveda” means Science of Life.
Ayurveda is a timeless science, the reflection and elucidation of life. Ayurveda is the most sacred science of life, beneficial to humans both in this world and the world beyond. Ayurveda is a science that is widely acknowledged to be the world oldest system of health. It is oral tradition that has been passed down by generation to generation. Only in the last 5000 years was it actually written down.
The wisdom of Ayurveda is recorded in Sanskrit, the ancient language of India. The science of Ayurveda is not based on constantly changing research data, but on the rishis who received this science, expressive of the perfect wholeness of Cosmic Consciousness, through religious introspection and meditation.
India continued to be the custodian of this complete science of life, even when it was essentially lost to the world for many centuries.
All Ayurvedic literature is based on the Samkhya philosophy of creation. A person has to cultivate an open mind and heart toward the philosophy of Samkhya because of its intimate connection with Ayurveda.
It offers rich and comprehensive conception of life and health that takes into account all parts of human existence; from its most abstract, transcendental value to its most expressive form in human physiology.
A common misconseption about Ayurveda is; it takes long time to heal ailments.
We recommend if you are looking for a quick fix or a quick suppression then Ayurveda is not the right modality for you. If the disease is newly formed and is with a single dosha and tissue involvement, then Ayurveda can balance this condition very quickly. On the other hand if the condition is formed with the aggravation of two or three doshas, and if more organs and channels are involved, and it has become somewhat chronic then naturally, the treatment takes longer time to restore the imbalance.
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