This therapy
  • Removes the stiffness of the body
  • Makes body lighter
  • Controls cold (sheeta)
  • Improves elasticity of the body
  • Improves joint flexibility and luster of the skin
  • Increase Agni and generates appetite
  • Supports Sroto Suddhi (detoxifying the srotas – channels)
  1. It is Vata Kapha pacifying in general.
  2. There are 13 types of Svedana
  3. 2 main types: with fire (sauna, steam, warm sand etc.) and without fire (hot house, hunger, heavy blanket, anger, sunbath etc.)
  4. 2 types of herbs: Oily (Snigdha) like Oil and Dry (Ruksha) like stone, sand etc.
  5. Can be performed at Ekang (one part of the body/ locally) or Sarvang (full body)
  6. One or more types of Svedana can be combined for the purpose of balance.
  7. Common herbs for Svedana:
    Sesame, Eranda(castor), Barley, Ajwain, Dasmool, Rasnadi Kwath, Manjisthadi kwath, garlic, ginger, basil etc.
  8. The selection of herbs, dose and time limit will be different in each person. It depends on current health condition, season, age, person’s strength, country / location of therapy, day or night etc.
Benefited in such conditions like
  • Any type of joint pain, Back pain, Muscular pain, Pelvic pain, Sciatica
  • Fatigue, stiffness and stress
  • Indigestion

Can I have this therapy by itself or with any other therapy?

It depends upon your current health condition. We encourage you to have an Ayurvedic Consultation with our practitioner to avoid any future side effects before your booking.

What type of therapy do you provide?

To enhance the therapeutic benefits, we provide wet or dry Svedana at local or whole body in conjunction with Abhyanga and / or Shirodhara after seeing the patient’s current condition in Ayurvedic Consultation.

Can I do it at home?

Yes/ No.
Some therapy needs direct supervision, and some are good to do by yourself with extra care. Please discuss it with the practitioner during your consultation.

Are there any contra indications of it?


  • Conditions with predominance of Pitta / pitta Prakriti(constitution)
  • Conditions like bleeding disorders, diarrhea, diabetes mellitus, rectal prolapse etc.
  • Those who regularly consume alcohol and astringents
  • During hunger, anger, depression
  • Pregnant ladies
  • Weak, extremely emaciated, immune-compromised and unconscious persons

Do I need to take care anything extra for this therapy?


Exposure to direct wind shall be avoided during Therapy

After fomentation you should take rest by covering the body with a blanket.

Warm water shall be used for bath after therapy